While on the surface marketing your dealership through content may seem like an easy endeavor, there’s a lot more to it than you think. Simply coming up with some content and throwing it out there for the world to see won’t bring you the results or bang for your buck you’re looking for. To be truly effective with your marketing efforts, you need a carefully constructed plan in the form of a content marketing strategy. Here are a few of the key ingredients Business Solutions Providers (BSPs) should include for a killer content marketing strategy.

Identify your goals

The first step of any content marketing strategy should be determining the goals you want to achieve through it. What exactly are you looking for out of your marketing efforts? Once you’ve identified what you hope to accomplish, you’ll be better positioned to focus on what it is you need to do to reach those goals. This focus will make it easier to create content that will drive results and identify the best way to get that content in front of the right audience.

Define your audience and get to know them

It’s critical that you identify who it is you want to target and reach with your content marketing. “Potential customers” is far too vague of a target audience and casting such a wide net in this instance will not bring you the desired results. Whether it’s C-level executives, repeat customers, or former customers that haven’t done business with you in more than 12 months, by knowing exactly who you’re trying to reach you’ll be able to craft a more effective message that will resonate strongly with them.

Once you’ve identified your target audience, you need to research its buyer persona. The buyer persona is an avatar or fictional person that is a representation of your ideal customer; it enables you to better target your content and increase conversions. Buyer personas are created through a blend of market research and information from real customers of yours. This will give you a clear picture of who you are targeting, what interests them, what their pain points are, and how to engage them.

Create a Content Marketing plan

Once you know what you want to accomplish and who you need to reach to do so, it’s time to create a detailed plan for your content marketing efforts. What topics can you use to promote your message, engage your target audience, and address their pain points? Carefully create an editorial calendar of blogs or videos to craft and when to schedule them. From there, drill down into where, when, and how you will be sharing links to these blog posts via social media posts and email marketing. A detailed content calendar will help you keep organized and on top of your marketing without anything slip between the cracks.

If your dealership needs help devising an effective content marketing strategy, contact the Evolved Office team today. We help BSPs get results across a variety of mediums, including email marketing, social media, pay-per-click (PPC), and search engine optimization (SEO). Let us create a killer content marketing strategy for you.