People today depend on their smartphones and mobile devices to provide immediate information. According to tech-giant Cisco, mobile data traffic grew by 69 percent in 2014. Mobile searching isn’t going anywhere, so you need to make sure your website is ready for it; you need to make sure your website is responsive.
Earlier this year, Google announced it would be changing its mobile search algorithm so that mobile-friendly sites would rank higher on mobile searches. This allows Google to provide the best possible experience for users. When one of your prospects searches for “IT Hosting” or “Document Management” on their mobile device, they want to be directed to sites that they can actually view on their phone.
The bottom line is, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, your rankings will suffer.
If your website is already responsive—meaning it provides easy navigation and automatic resizing of the reading pane, regardless of the size of the viewing device—then you’re good to go. If not, you’ll want to take steps to make your site mobile friendly. Competition in the office equipment and managed services industry is fierce, so leveraging a mobile strategy for your website is a good way to get noticed.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you shift your website from stagnant to responsive.
Navigation is crucial – Make sure your navigation menu is easy to find and easy to use on any size screen. This is how visitors will get from one page to another so you want to make sure it’s the right size to navigate with only a fingertip.
Utilize plugins – Plugins, such as WordPress or QuickTime Player, can enhance the user experience as well as the layout of your responsive site.
Speed is key – Even if your website is responsive, if it’s loaded with images and takes forever to load, mobile users will move on to the next website in their search result. Be sure to balance performance with responsiveness for a truly successful site.
Contact Evolved Office to learn more about maximizing your mobile marketing strategy. Or visit our website for more information.