Everyone is talking about mobile strategy. You know you need a “responsive” website design, but what makes for mobile-friendly content? The key is creating content that is user-centered. It’s making sure your strategy addresses the who, what, how, and why for your visitors and searchers.

Consider User Context
Where are your users, and what are they doing? Identify your peak mobile access periods and create content accordingly. For example, a 9:00 p.m. peak mobile percentage of 60 means that the majority of users probably view your content at home in the evening before bed—sitting on a sofa with the TV on in the background. Publish your most mobile-friendly content at this time, and make it concise. Think about how you use your mobile device. Odds are, you consume digital content at-a-glance. Keep this narrow focus in mind when creating content—make sure it is clear and easily understood. Time pressure means that your user only has seconds to engage with your content.

Meet Users Where They Are
It’s up to you to craft a content strategy that aligns with your mobile customers’ behavior. When designating your mobile keywords, consider that a mobile search is informational more than anything. Integrating natural language considerations into your content will improve your search rankings, and Google’s search console can help you identify common voice search keywords. Find out what your users’ questions are (literally!), and answer them concisely. The 20 percent of Android searches that are voice-driven will be glad to find you.

Make Reading Easy
Encourage your visitors to keep reading for the meat by making sure you have lead-in text or a teaser at the top of a page. Follow up the lead-in with short and sweet content:

Headings break up text and make it easy to red or scan on a mobile device.
Bullet points call out important elements.
Bold formatting highlights small details and draws the eye through the content.

(See what we did there?)

Compensate for Mobile Technology
As part of your mobile strategy, the content you create should be share-friendly. Make sure social media share icons are readily available (particularly Facebook and Twitter for most cases), and include a link to your social media page (provided it is well-curated). In addition, don’t play sounds automatically. Consider that your users may have headphones on or may be in a shared space like the subway or an office. The last thing you want is for them to hit the back button to escape your content.

With an increasing proportion of web and social media visits coming from mobile devices, mobile-friendly content is critical to the success of your marketing strategy. When you create content, keep in mind the needs and behaviors of your users in today’s mobile world. From leveraging peak mobile access periods to optimizing for voice search, there’s plenty to do to maximize your website’s mobile strategy. For more help with your mobile strategy, give Evolved Office a call.